Our club is hoping to bridge communities, not only in the area but also around the world, as well as bridge cultures to learn from each other and we hope to bridge generations too! Hence the name Maidenhead Bridge, which also relates to Brunel's famous rail bridge which in its time pushed the engineering boundaries, just as we are hoping to push the boundaries and bring something new to Maidenhead and to Rotary in the area.
GIVE SOMETHING BACK: If you enjoy helping others, connecting with Rotary gives you the chance to do something really worthwhile. What is more, as a member of Rotary you will benefit from being part of a large, internationally trusted organisation.
FUN AND FRIENDSHIP: Rotary membership is a lot of fun. We arrange of lot of activities which provide a welcome distraction from busy lives and the opportunity to make new friends who share common values. There are thousands of Rotary clubs all around the world. A Rotarian is welcome at any Rotary Club meeting anywhere – it’s one of the things that makes being part of Rotary so interesting and full of opportunities.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Rotary was founded over 100 years ago as a business networking club and this is still part of Rotary life. Ethical practice is encouraged and, with members drawn from all walks of life, the opportunities to network are endless.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: You will develop your cultural and social awareness through membership of Rotary as well as public speaking, social, business, personal and vocational skills.